Registered designs are granted for aesthetic compositions of objects or surfaces if they are new and have individual character. In the registration process, only the formal requirements are checked. Well-known designs are not identified and neither novelty nor the individual character are examined. Publications by the applicant before the filing date can be detrimental to novelty and individual character, which is why they should only take place after the design application has been filed. Publications by the applicant or his legal successor within twelve months prior to the filing date can be disregarded when assessing novelty and individual character.
After the positive conclusion of the registration procedure, the design is registered and published, which enables the design owner to exclude third parties from operationally manufacturing, placing on the market, selling or using the registered design, as well as importing or owning it for the purposes mentioned. Designs have a maximum term of 25 years, during which fees have to be paid regularly to maintain them.
After a design has been registered, it can be challenged during the entire term via a nullity request, which can lead to the deletion of the design.