Mag. DI Dr.
Bakk. rer. soc. oec.

At a young age, I became interested in legal issues. Nevertheless – or maybe because of that – I studied at the Technical University. Afterwards, I worked several years in an innovative manufacturing company, where I, among others, completed a university course as an innovation manager. Nevertheless, my legal interest moved me to start and complete the training as a patent attorney in a renowned Viennese patent law office. Finally, I decided to found a law office in Wiener Neudorf in the district of Mödling.

Austrian Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Patent Litigator

European Trademark & Design Attorney

Master degree in Industrial Engineering at the Technical University of Vienna
Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Vienna
Master degree in Economics at the University of Vienna
Bachelor degree in Business Administration at the University of Vienna
University course in Innovation Management at the Danube University Krems

Patentanwalt Stephan Haas


Due to my interest in innovative technical topics, I completed my studies at several universities at home and abroad in various technical fields, most recently in mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Vienna with a focus on photovoltaics. Subsequently I worked for several years in an international retail company before I decided to begin my training as a patent attorney trainee.

Patent Attorney Trainee

Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Vienna
Master degree in „Quality and Operations Management“ at the Technical University Chalmers (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of Culture and Science (Teheran, Iran)

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